Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) has commenced in January 2002.
The main project goal is:
to use common birds as indicators of the general state of nature using large-scale and long-term monitoring data on changes in breeding populations across Europe.
PECBMS aims are to:
- collect data on European common bird species from national monitoring schemes and calculate European common bird indices and indicators
- make European common bird indices and indicators available to the policymakers and promote them to the public, too
- in cooperation with scientists, explore the forces driving changes in populations of common birds in Europe
- assist to national monitoring scheme coordinators with various tasks related to monitoring methods or data calculation
- create and keep an active network of national monitoring scheme coordinators and other experts on monitoring cooperating with the PECBMS project
PECBMS main outputs are:
Production of the European common bird indicators and species trends has been financially supported by the European Commission.
For further information, please contact:
Alena Klvaňová, project manager; e-mail: klvanova @