February 25, 2022 | alena.klvanova
European Bird Census Council expresses its deep concern about the military attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. Birds do not know borders, and their research and conservation require international cooperation. Within EBCC projects, we work together with individuals and organisations across whole Europe towards common goals. Regardless of differences in languages, cultures, religion, or political views, the EBCC network has always shown a sense of cooperation and solidarity.
The success of the European Breeding Bird Atlases, EuroBirdPortals, or Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme is based on goodwill, cooperation, and tolerance. Unfortunately, these values have been put under severe threat by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
We sympathise with our colleagues and friends and all people in Ukraine. While EBCC is a non-political organisation, it can work effectively only in conditions of an open and democratic society, and that’s why we raise our voice in support of Ukraine.
European Bird Census Council