
Minutes of the June EBCC Annual General Meeting

August 25, 2020 | alena.klvanova

It was the first EBCC AGM to be held by video conference and we are happy that 29 participants including Board members, observers, and national delegates joined the meeting.

Mark Eaton, EBCC Chairman, gave a warm welcome to everyone who joined the meeting. Then he gave an update on the work of EBCC. It’s been a good and busy year with Eurobirdportal (EBP), Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring (PECMBS), and the European Breeding Bird Atlas (EBBA2) all making excellent progress.

Chris van Turnhout, EBCC treasurer, presented the Financial Report for 2019.

Henning Heldbjerg, Delegates Officer, made contact with delegates during May 2020 to provide an up-to-date list of delegates. He presented the changes and introduced the new delegates Taulant Bino (Albania), Nermina Sarajlić (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Christos Barboutis, and Danae Portolou (Greece), Mattia Brambilla and Gianpiero Calvi (Italy) and Peter Knaus (Switzerland) who are welcome in the EBCC family.

Finally, it was announced, that the next EBCC conference is planned for April 2022 in Lucerne, Switzerland, and the following one in Riga, Latvia. We look forward to meeting you there!

Read the Minutes here.