June 15, 2021 | alena.klvanova
The articles deal with long-term monitoring of birds through roost counts in the Netherlands, monitoring of conservation status of Corncrake in Armenia and summary of the ’Status of the UK Birds’ report. The BCN also includes interviews of two people from the EBCC board, Sergi Herrando and Alena Klvaňová, who are observers of the board and actives in the 2nd European Breeding Bird Atlas (EBBA2) and the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS).
The issue also continues the series, which introduces online tools of various monitoring schemes. This time BCN presents the online system of the Dutch territory mapping scheme.
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Contents of the issue
Aleksi Lehikoinen: Editorial. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 1.
Paul van Els and Chris van Turnhout: Communal roost counts in the Netherlands: a summary of 10 years of monitoring. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 3–8. Download PDF
Karen Aghababyan, Anush Khachatryan, Asya Ghazaryan, and Viktorya Gevorgyan: About the state of Corn Crake Crex crex Bechstein 1803 in Armenia. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 9–17. Download PDF
Mark A. Eaton: The state of the UK’s birds 2020 — a summary. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 18–20. Download PDF
European Monitoring News
Aleksi Lehikoinen: Introducing the EBCC board: Sergi Herrando. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 21–22. Download PDF
Aleksi Lehikoinen: Introducing the EBCC board: Alena Klvaňová. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 23–24. Download PDF
Chris van Turnhout, Gerard Troost and Jan-Willem Vergeer: Introducing online tools to give feedback to the volunteers, volume 2: Dutch breeding bird monitoring program. Bird Census News 2021, 34/1: 25–27. Download PDF