

50 years of Sovon

March 14, 2023

There are an estimated 75,000 birdwatchers in the Netherlands. A few of these are also dedicated to counting birds, which often becomes a life-long hobby. They want to know which birds occur where in what numbers, and how they are faring.


EFSA’s Bird Flu Radar

March 13, 2023

We introduce you to EFSA's Bird Flu Radar, a new tool to support European Avian Influenza surveillance.


Bird Census News 35/1–2

December 19, 2022

Read about the Covid-pandemic, how the lockdown affected birds and people who monitor them, and the importance of tourism to bird conservation in Iceland or bird distribution in Western Siberia.


EBBA Live Farmland: whole involvement and first maps

December 9, 2022

The EBBA Live Farmland aims to produce updated species distributions and maps of change since EBBA2 for c. 50 farmland bird species. The project will produce 50-km maps of observed occurrence of breeding birds, modelled maps showing the 10-km probability of occurrence and maps of the change. The final aim of the project is to determine the capacity of the EBCC network to update maps on a regular and frequent basis. This will be done in close cooperation with partners.


The first Ukrainian Breeding Bird Atlas ever was published

December 7, 2022

Ukrainian Breeding Bird Atlas on the memory of Ihor Horban (1960-2017), EBBA1 and EBBA2 national coordinator, was officially launched in November 2022, after a long period of data collection (2015–2017) and book preparation (2018–2021).


The 22nd EBCC conference was a huge success

June 9, 2022

The 22nd EBCC conference Bird Numbers 2022, “Beyond the Atlas: challenges and opportunities”, was held in the Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne, from 4th to 9th April, organised perfectly by the Swiss Ornithological Institute. The conference brought together people involved in bird research, including statistical and modelling developments, monitoring, and conservation, from across Europe and beyond.
